This is the blog of the Economic and Social History research group of Utrecht University. We are a group of historians with diverse research interests ranging from societal resistance to financial history, and from company history to the position of women. Together we form the core of the teaching staff for the thematic package of courses Great Societal Challenges for students in the second year of the history BA and are also involved in the Masters programme Politics and Society. In addition many of our staff are involved in Utrecht’s PPE programme and the History RMA.
The blog is divided into a number of categories of posts. Those related to education are written by or for the students and are linked to the themes of the courses offered in the CoMS package. Those related to research are written by the PhDs, PostDocs, lecturers and professors of the Economic and Social History group about their own research. Videos are also posted regularly on both themes.
We collaborate in a series of research projects – the links below provide further information about the various projects.

For questions about this blog contact Sarah Carmichael.